by dalitopia | Dec 7, 2021
“Caroline Goldberg Igra masterfully weaves a tightrope of complexity between the mother, daughter, grandmother relationship. Each character’s life balances at times precariously, bravely, even momentously. From Where I Stand brings the reader into the center...
by dalitopia | Dec 7, 2021
“Caroline Goldberg Igra has written a jewel of a family saga, following three generations of women from New York City to Chicago to Grand Forks, North Dakota, as their individual journeys of self-discovery collide at the intersection of broken relationships and...
by dalitopia | Dec 7, 2021
“In From Where I Stand, Igra takes the reader on an emotional, multi-generational journey. Her depiction of the fraught nature of the mother-daughter relationship is poignant, relatable, and ultimately uplifting. A wonderful read for women of all...
by dalitopia | Dec 7, 2021
“Caroline Goldberg Igra’s compelling novel, FROM WHERE I STAND, grapples with the liminal journeys and complicated history of three generations of unforgettable women. This moving story about love, secrets, regrets, and finding the strength and capacity...
by dalitopia | Jul 16, 2021
“Igra’s fabulous novel puts three extraordinary women at three extraordinary ages, all at a crossroads in their lives. What do we owe the ones we love? And at what cost to ourselves? Beautifully told and unforgettable.”